A Memorable Memorial Day – 2020

Memorial Day, the unofficial start of the summer break, is truly a sacred day. It is a day we honor the men and women who gave their all – literally – in defense of our great nation, in defense of our liberty and freedoms. Many in our country have lost all of their rituals and ceremonies. Memorial Day began as Decoration Day – and grew up spontaneously in many communities around the United States. On this day, Americans would visit the burial sites of their loved ones who had died during the Civil War, and decorate their grave stones. Eventually there were local parades, and as time went by it became a national day to honor all who have died in service to the nation.

This year we are facing a different war – not the war of the unseen enemy – a virus, not the war between the US and our adversaries, but a new civil war. Over the last 20 years I have watched as public health authorities have sought to take away parental decision making related to health (vaccinations); and seen a continued slippery slope in publicly policies and actions related to religious and personal liberty.

Over the last couple of years we watched a member of Congress (Rep. Adam Schiff) encourage social media CEOs to curtail freedom of speech and expression on their sites when it came to vaccines. When another member of Congress (Rep. Bill Posey) pointed out to them the errors in Rep. Schiff’s claims, they were ignored – because the bigger goal was it seemed to control the flow of information and what the public would see if they typed words like vaccines, measles, MMR into a search engine on Facebook on Google, etc.

At what point did the public become so complacent that they find it okay that you are forced to a government website for information? Why is the Grey Lady – the New York Times, and the paper that’s tagline is ‘democracy dies in the dark’ the Washington Post are not objecting and informing the public. Why is Congress and the White House so silent on the matter?

Did the men and women who died on battle fields or from the wounds they received in Vietnam, Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan and so many other places around the world die in vain?

This year, without a single bullet being fired, without a single Congressional hearing, without a single town hall, government leaders after listening to public health officials, all of whom have been entrenched in government for decades, all of whom have been party to the curtailing of family liberties and often religious liberties directly or by the giving of recommendations have taken unprecedented actions and because we as a nation were afraid or felt we had no choice, we complied. Two weeks of stay at home orders turned into two months. Schools were shut down over night, with no plans in place to continue education, to provide meals that for some are the only reliable meals they get; and no plans to deliver the legally required IEP agreed upon services to those with special needs. Overnight parents, were expected to stay at home – work or be unemployed – home school, and keep themselves and their families safe and healthy.

Churches were told to close.

Nursing homes locked their doors to visitors – only immediately family allowed in if someone was actively dying. Hospitals did much the same – news articles reporting the anguish of health professionals unable to take the time to be with someone who otherwise was alone as they passed away.

These public health authorities have flip flopped back and forth depending on which way the media is driving the public opinion – don’t wear masks – they do no good if you aren’t sick – and then a few weeks later not just a recommendation to wear masks – but mandates.

Governors and local authorities making major decisions based on arbitrary information.

For 20+ years, I have heard these public health authorities extol the importance of evidence-based medicine – and the setting of public policy based in science. This is usually said to discount parents, or those in the complementary and alternative health world (as if there is no science – when in truth there is in these fields).

Since March, we have been subjected to national and state declarations of emergency (which actually is simply a mechanism to turn on the spigots of federal funding), and forced limitations on personal movements and even speech limitations on line. High regarded scientists whose comments different from the agenda have their you tube videos taken down, and any dissenter is attacked or shut down. And now there are active measures being taken to do conduct nationwide (even global) ‘contact tracing’ – which if that doesn’t send shivers up your spine its because you don’t now what it is.

How can this be where we are as a nation in 2020?

I have said before that there is always a tug of war that goes on between the public and the public health sector in regard to personal liberty. Public health always want to count everything, track everything, force everything. Their focus is not personal privacy or individual liberty. They are part of the ‘state’ and ask such want compliance, and mandates, and control. And because their is big money in these venture, government and corporate are joining forced, pulling us closer and closer to that mud pit of oppression, socialism, even communism.

We need some strong men and strong women to join forces on our side, to yank that rope back, to bring us back from the brink of total loss of liberty, to the collapse of the Constitution. Republic, libertarian, democrat, liberal – it doesn’t matter. If you are an American, and you care about liberty, don’t let all the deaths of the men in women in the military be in vain…..together we become unbeatable. Together we protect and preserve liberty and freedom.

Don’t be asleep at the switch about your liberty – take some time today to give thanks to those who fought for it, and gave their lives so that you could be free. And then come tomorrow – take stock, get engaged, and demand your freedoms be protected and restored.